Students entering grades 6-12+
Accepting all BAND, ORCHESTRA, and CHOIR students with at least 2 years of musical experience who read music and are ready to rock!
Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion, Strings, Vocals
*We are not accepting guitar, bass guitar, piano, or harp students at this time*
Questions? Comments? Concerns?

At SPNW we are committed to providing a top-notch musical experience to all our students. Your tuition helps pay for the use of the historic Moore Theater and its staff, our awesome coaches, custom arrangements of pop tunes tailored specifically for this camp, and much much more!
We offer a sliding scale tuition model. Pay what you can to help make the magic happen!
$800 Full Tuition
$600 25% off
$400 50% off
If none of these price points work for you, shoot us an email directly and we will find one that does!
Questions about tuition or anything else? Please email sonicpopsnw@gmail.com.
Feeling extra generous? Please consider paying it forward to help fund scholarships for other rockers.
(You'll see a 'Pay It Forward' option on our registration checkout page!)
Cancellation Policy:
Full Refund if SPNW has to cancel
Full Refund for withdrawals more than 2 weeks before the start of the program
No refunds for withdrawals 2 weeks or less before the start of the program or once the program has begun.
All Ages (Middle & High School Combined)
Sunday Aug 18
1:30 Parent and Student Orientation and Faculty Mini Concert
2:00-5:00 Rehearsals (parent/guardians welcome to observe)
Mon 19th - Thurs 22nd
10:00 - 10:45 Sectional
10:45-12:00 Full Rehearsal
12:00 - 12:30 Sack Lunch
12:30 - 1:00 concert and Q+A
1:00 - 2:00 Break Out Rehearsals
2:00 - 3:00 Activity/Workshop
Friday Aug 23rd
2:00 - 5:00 Soundcheck and Activities
5:00 Pizza Party
6:30 Doors Open